
Environmental Sustainability

As Vila Natura is located in a protected natural area and has direct access to the sea, it has always collaborated with various entities and actively participated in initiatives for the protection and conservation of nature.

Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity Conservation

We actively collaborate in coastal clean-up activities promoted by Neon Joyride, which is an associate of the Oceano Azul Foundation.

We encourage our guests to collect any waste they find on the beach adjacent to our direct access to the sea, depositing it in a container that we purposely place on site.

SOS Cagarro

SOS Cagarro

The SOS Cagarro Campaign, which takes place annually between the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, coincides with the departure of the Cory's Shearwaters that nest in the Azores Archipelago. These seabirds are guided by the stars and when leaving the nest, to make their first ocean flight, they are faced with numerous dangers, namely the glare caused by public and car lighting.

We draw our guests' attention to this reality and there have been several rescues in the Praia Formosa area during this period. The collected shearwaters are released the next day on the beach.

Residue Management

Residue Management

We separate waste for later selective collection: paper and cardboard, glass, metal and plastic packaging, light bulbs, batteries, oils, books and magazines. We have a combustor for placing organic waste.

We favor the use of partially or fully recycled products.

Energy Management

Energy Management

Lighting: exclusive use of LED
Equipment: all equipment used in the house is energy class with maximum efficiency.

Maintenance of equipment and installations: PVC window frames, double glazing in order to obtain better thermal and acoustic efficiency. The choice of light colors for painting the walls and ceilings, as well as the exterior cork cladding of the walls of the house were also designed with the aim of maximum energy efficiency.

User behavior:

  • Preferential use of light and natural ventilation;
  • Use of timers to turn some lights on and off automatically;
  • Whenever possible, avoid using equipment at peak hours;
  • Activation of energy saving settings on computer equipment;
  • Turn off equipment that is not being used, avoiding stand-by mode.
Hidric Management

Hidric Management

Sanitary Hot Water: use of flow reducers to adapt water flows and frequent replacement of taps and shower heads.

Towel and sheet change program: promotes the reduction of towel and sheet changes, resulting in water and electricity savings and a reduction in detergents.

Irrigation system:

  • Existence of a tank to collect rainwater and wastewater for garden irrigation;
  • Garden watering scheduled for cooler hours;
  • We give preference to endemic plant species that do not need a lot of watering.
Pollution Management

Pollution Management

That contribute to reducing the carbon footprint:

In our briefing we suggest ecological activities/services (eg: walking trails, surfing, bicycles, etc), we provide a map for walks in the area surrounding the accommodation, and throughout the island, as well as information on public transport;

Contributing to plastic reduction:

We provide glassware, and all the crockery normally found in a family home.

Sustainable Shopping

Sustainable Shopping

Whenever possible, we favor the purchase of organic, biodegradable, fair trade, locally produced products, with minimal (or recycled) packaging and free of plastic.



In the decoration of the house, we privilege the choice of pieces with natural elements, and whose acquisition is made locally.

Cartilha de Sustentabilidade

Cartilha de Sustentabilidade

Villa Natura is a subscriber to the "Cartilha da Sustentabilidade".

Green Key

Green Key

Villa Natura has beed awarded with the "Green Key".



Villa Natura has beed awarded with the "Miosótis".

Socioeconomic and Cultural Sustainability

In our guest reception briefing, we are committed to facilitating and encouraging the booking and booking of services that promote the natural beauty of our landscapes, local products and Azorean culture.

Local development and promotion of culture

Local development and promotion of culture

We support cultural initiatives by offering accommodation to artists who annually spend a week on the island of Santa Maria in an artistic residency.

During this period, workshops are held with the local population, and on the last day there is a free concert open to the community.

Local development and promotion of culture

Local development and promotion of culture

We promote local handicrafts, with information about local artisans in our information book.

Local development and promotion of culture

Local development and promotion of culture

We publish the monthly Calendar of Events that is produced by the City Council with this periodicity, encouraging our guests to explore the QR code of this Cultural and Events Calendar.

Local Jobs

Local Jobs

We are strongly committed to recruiting the local population.